Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bragging Rights

I have to brag on my awesome husband right now.
He got up this morning and put a roast in the slow cooker, after getting the kitchen tidied up.
He has been cooking dinner every night and taking care of the kitchen chores.  Also, he's been doing laundry, folding, putting away, and cleaning the bathrooms on the weekends.
It is such a relief to have all the basics taken care of these days! I am so appreciative and I don't know how I am going to survive when he has to go out of town for work next time.  He has said he would get some food ready for us before he goes.
Anyway..... I just love my husband. He's a great guy and I am so very thankful that he doesn't mind taking care of things while I am feeling so horribly.


Jocelyn said...

That's soo sweet of him! =) I hope one day that I marry a person who doesn't think that working around the house is "women's work"... I've met plenty of people like that! You are so blessed and may you continually be blessed! =)

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful to have a son-in-law that loves and takes care of his wife and children the way that he does. Corey you are awesome!