Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Doctor Doctor!

I had an uneventful appointment this morning.  As far as the baby goes anyway.
It started out with my running late and forgetting my phone.  There isn't a better way to know that the dr. will be running behind than when I forget my phone at home.
So, I'm five minutes late, and they are totally packed!  They called back about five patients in a row right before me and I ended up waiting a full 30 minutes.  I know that doesn't sound like a really long time, but I usually only wait about 5 minutes, tops. is an iron check day! I KNEW it would happen today since I ran out of vitamins this past weekend.  I knew I should have picked some up before today.  My iron level was 10.8, they don't like it to be below 10. Ooops!
The good news is that I only gained 1 pound in the past two that 6 pound jump last time must have just been a big growth spurt or something.
It's already 9:40 (my appointment was at 8:45!), and I am getting anxious because Corey has to leave to be at work at 10 and I don't have my phone to text him about what is going on.
The doctor comes in and today, of course, he has a nurse practitioner student with him.  Thus, instead of the quick 2 minute visit, it takes a full 5-6 minutes, ha ha.
I get finished, go up to check out and make my next appointment, and no one is at the window except one lady swamped by phone calls.  This never happens!  I finally get my appointment and am out the door and on the way home by 9:55.  No way to call Corey.
When I finally make it home, as I pull into the neighborhood I pass him on the way out, the kids in PJs in the backseat.
He turned around to let them out and I apologize for leaving my phone at home.  It was absolutely crazy that my appointment was at 8:45 and I didn't get to leave until a full hour later.  It's just so unusual for this office that Corey was kind of worried. 
I won't be leaving my phone at home again! And, if the long wait happened to be because I was five minutes late, I will definitely be getting there early from now on!
I'll see them again in 2 more weeks.

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

lol you called that uneventful? lol! oh man - sounds like it was quite the morning!